Various kinds of skin diseases such as phlegm, ringworm, scabies is no stranger to the community. Although classified as mild disease, however, skin disease is often considered a nuisance and disturbing the comfortable appearance.
Here are some traditional medicines are often used for treatment of skin diseases:
Scabies, itch
For external treatment, just take the leaves, bark, stems, or roots regards as necessary. Wash and finely milled until a dough like mush. Apply to the itchy spot, and then bandaged.
Ulcers, wounds, and warts
Spread with sap or cashew fruit cashew nuts (Anarcadium occidentale L) for several days until the wound dry
For warts
Get 5 sheets Leaf Dewa, pounded leaves until smooth. Lumurkan smooth leaves that have a warty in place, make up glue, let one day and off to the next day.
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