Medicine in the diabetics mellitus is intended to control the degree of blood from the patient to always be at the limit normal or near normal limits. The success of treatment depends on patient compliance in consuming the medicine given by the doctor and eating patterns, especially with controlling the amount of carbohydrate Feed.
To support the success of the treatment the patient can do herbal. One is the tomato (Lycopersicon, sp). The tomatoes are very easy to obtain around us. Tomatoes are usually used by our society as vegetables, fruit is consumed directly as also made drinks made with juice.
Tomato has a womb substances such as citric acid which is quite large (this substance will react when basa entry in the flow of blood and can help the body metabolism), magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, natrium, and many more. In addition, tomatoes contain karoten type likopen which can act as antidiabetes. Carbohydrate in the tomato is feared will not need to increase the blood glucose level is very low because the measure. Therefore, the tomato fruit in the form of both original and juice (without the addition of sweetener) are very good for people with Diabetes and Obesity MELLITUS.
A medical study results indicate that there is a means to extract the fruit of tomato (Lycopersicon, sp) to decrease blood sugar and white male rat hiperglikemik (with blood sugar above normal / high).
How to use the tomato as a supplementary therapy in diabetics MELLITUS is made with the juice or fruit is consumed directly as a measure for 1 time use used about 200 grams of tomato. As if the notes are made on the process of juice not added sweetener (sugar or milk), but if you want use a special sweetener for diabetics MELLITUS. Frequency of use can be 2-3 times a day after meals.
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