Propolis is a kind of resin which forms the sticky like glue, known as bee glue. bee propolis is produced with the collected resin from various plants, and the resin is mixed with saliva and various enzyme in the bees so that the resin into resin with different origin.
Due to various sources, the composition color, property and propolis will vary. propolis can be yellow to dark brown, even transparent. Chemical composition of propolis flavonoid which covers almost 50% of the composition of propolis, kafeat acid, ferulat acid, and minerals in the number of small.
The propolis use as a medicine has actually done since 12 century. Those Greeks and Romans have used propolis to treat swelling. Egypt in addition to people using propolis as a medicine, the use of adhesive on the making of canoes. Bee propolis for their own work to protect the entire nest and the queen bee's eggs keep pests that cause rot eggs-eggs that Bacillus larvae.
This underlie the use of propolis as an antibiotic. Then do research on the effect of different antibiotic propolis against different microbes. Results of research that began Karimova since 1975 against Bacillus de Koch and then followed by other researchers show, propolis has bakterisidal effect against Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus, Streptomyces, Streptomyces sobrinus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Escherichia coli, Salmonella and Shigella, Giardia lambia, Bacteroides nodocuc, Klebsiella pneumoniae, in addition also effective as a fungicide on Candida albicans, Aspergillus niger, Botrytis cinerea and Ascosphaera APIs. Unique research results show, propolis is more effective when tested in vivo the effect of in vitro. This is because propolis can function as imunostimulan, stimulate the function of various organs and body's defense system menginduksi become more immune to the germs of disease.
Excess propolis compared to other antibiotics is a small side effect. The only side effects that occur and that is the rare occurrence of allergic reactions when used locally. Meanwhile, when given per oral does not have side effects that occur. The advantages that others do not cause resistance. Antibiotics such as penicillin can cause resistance because the bacteria can renew itself to become more immune to penicillin. But the bacteria or virus can not become immune to propolis. In addition, propolis as an antibiotic has a high choice.
Propolis only kill germs cause disease only when the useful microbes, such as intestinal flora is not disturbed by propolis. Active substances are antibiotics that are known in the propolis is ferulat acid. Substance is effective against gram-positive bacteria and negative. Acid ferulat also be agglutinating (a role in blood coagulation), so that can be used to treat cuts and in the form of salep.
"Propolis" as anti cancer
Based on the S. Scheller research, to test the effectiveness of anticancer ethanol extract propolis (EEP) on induction with ehrlich carcinoma cells showed, mencit can survive more after EEP. Effect anticancer EEP against Ehrlich Carcinoma cells is related to the flavonoid contents in propolis. Flavonoid metabolism affect the stages of cancer cells such as how to prevent merger with timidin, uridin, and leucin the cancer cells so that DNA synthesis may prevent cancer cells. Role of flavonoid as anticancer also strengthened by other experiments that use aromatic hydrocarbons as cancer induction.
Retardation mechanism of aromatic hydrocarbons associated with retardation stimulation metabolik the inducted by aromatic hydrocarbons polisiklik and the promoter activities of several cells. Flavonoid is a substance found in many plants, but in propolis are in concentrated form.
With the metabolism system, bees make flavonoid from plants is more effective. So bees seems to be mediator flavonoid with human and animals. A flavonoid compound found in the EEP, among other betulinol, quersetin, isovanilin, galangin, isalpinin, kaemferol, rhamnetin, isohmnetin, pinocembrin, pinostrobin and pinobaksin.
Currently, propolis available in the form of tablets, salep, capsule, cream, etc.. The use of propolis can be on the healthy and sick people. Healthy people in the use of propolis can increase the body resistance against disease. While the people who are sick when combined with the use of drugs can increase the synthesis such as the effect can improve the effect of penicillin. (Source: Jacobs Caal, from Bee Natural Product, 1991 and other sources).
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