When someone consumes propolis, it will enter the digestive system. From the digestive system elements active propolis absorbed by small intestine and then distributed overlooks the body by red blood cells. When elements of propolis meets with the damaged cells as well as seeds of disease, or other toxic elements propolis will "unloads", "catchs" and "crippls" seeds of disease, and the substances harmful to the body, and seed disease was circulating in the body until the system of expenditure such as transpiration, urine, and defecate.

When propolis crippling poison, symptoms appear will follow to reply. There is a follow-up reply describes that the way for this element is toxic paralytic propolis in the body, and symptoms follow this reply tells about what action should be taken. From the side this is a reply to a follow a process that's incredible creator propolis, so the user knows every phase of the healing of themselves, great is not it?.

We can not completely eliminate the effects of the use of propolis action reply, when our bodies hurt, but we can reduce the effect of follow-up reply, the Bada until the minimum, or on the body is able to bear the limit. The steps to follow to respond minimalisasi effects of propolis can be done by consuming products that can improve the performance of the body organ or system associated with the neutralization of toxic or harmful elements that transported by propolis.


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