Almost everyone has felt the tooth ache. Although not classified as dangerous diseases, but tooth ache caused patient can not rest in peace and concentrate on that could lead to other diseases.

In general, tooth ache is caused by cavities which conceded food. If the hole a little in, gums may swell and the patient can fever.

Here are some of the traditional herbs for toothache:

1. Turmeric and eucalyptus oil to taste. Clean turmeric and washing up on the peel with a small size. Pieces of turmeric in the soak in eucalyptus oil for about 5 minutes. Then attach a piece of turmeric in the cavity until the pain in tooth loss.

2. Prepare 10 grams of turmeric, the leaves and roots seraimasing respective 50 and 24 grams, salt to taste. After the wash clean, cut with turmeric in a small size and the stew with a pint of water. Allow water to boil. Drink water after the leave is warm. Do it regularly until the pain disappeared.

3. a teaspoon of coconut oil. Soak some cotton in the palm oil. Then heat over low heat for about 2 to 3 minutes. Once warmed, glue cotton in a hollow tooth.


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