Pencak macan (tiger), is one of the ancestral heritage of art, which is nearly extinct, due nothing wheel of time.. In order to maintain it existence, several schools in Gresik East Java, become a show times art. In fact, introduction of coastal unique art north java, and has been used to entertain foreign guests .
After so long marginalized, art pencak macan, now showed and played in some schools in Gresik, East Java. Moreover, the ancestral heritage of art is used as a superior, to entertain foreign guests , visited the Gresik.
Nahdatul Ulama Senior High School Gresik, for example, is one of schools in Gresik, which seeks to maintain the sustainability of art typical to the north coast of this island of Java. Even, in this school, art pencak macan, a extra learning activities, to increase the students arts skills.
preferred that adolescents, students in this school, resemble pencak macan art, showtimes become a attractive art. solidarity between Pencak Silat and Javanese gamelan accompaniment and tambourine, the tradition art is preferred by youth.
Pencak macan is typical art of coastal northern Java island, with all it’s philosophy, symbolizing the human journey in the home.
This art is done by three figures, with three different characters, including tiger, symbolizing a husband, with the indomitable spirit of abstinence. Monkey is a wife, with the ideals of the noble, to realize good family and ghost of the wrath, which will seduce the son of man in the home.
In addition some tourists foreign are also interested to study about it, among Yuninja, students of Woonam Midle School, south Korea.
According to Yuninja, this art is very interesting, because the feel of the traditional thick is enough. Therefore, She is interested to learn this art as a by-by to their country.
" I feel, this traditional art is quite thick, and I very like" said Yuninja, student of Woonam Midle School, south korea.
The school hopes, government took to help preserve this art, especially with the competition or festival, so the efforts to keep it become more enthusiastic.
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