General election to choose parlement member coming in April, became a blessing for the convection businessmen. The democracy party in order to create a T-shirt jumped sharply. A convection businessmen in Lamongan East Java, for example, income per month rose to the billions of rupiah.
During this time, Lamongan is known as Mix Tofu and Boranan City. But more than it, Lamongan have a superior product that is a central convection shirt. Tri Tri Tunggal Village Babat District is the center of shirt convection activities. General election a blessing for the businessmen.
Wahyudi home atmosphere, producing a T-shirt prospective legislative campaigns and various other attributes, for example, looks more busy, so far different from the usual day-to-day. April upcoming legislative elections, making tens of employees, work overtime, to meet the candidates order.
Wahyudi market deliberately aim to promote political efforts. Shooting men aged 38 years this does not fumble. Although the moment of election district level to national level can be classified as seasonal, but the order attribute numbers reach hundreds of thousands to millions of attributes.
Maneuver zero market share in political part is done by Wahyudi since 2004. At the time, Wahyudi do his friend T-shirt order that become members of legislative candidates in East Kalimantan. Improvement over time, his business is growing rapidly, especially since the reformation era.
Good quality of Production and execution speed are to satisfy the customer. Now, Wahyudi no longer need to promote shift more difficult in terms of marketing because the name is already the most to outside Java, particularly the eastern part of Indonesia.
Currently, Wahyudi focus on the production of singlet prospective members of the various legislative elections for the party participants. Average the candidate only make the images and party logo only. Design and color was entirely on the producers.
"Alhamdulillah, there are a significant improvement in this general election" Wahyudi said the 86 News.
If the usual day-to-day only the order of the sport shirt and a certain institution, however, at this time all orders, such as t-shirts and campaign attributes.
Wahyudi’s income also increased sharply from 400 to 500 million rupiah per month, a six billion per month. Now, no wonder if Wahyudi is called Lamongan the king's shirt.
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