A temple was found in the forest area of Lamongan district, East Java Indonesia. Expected, the temple was built in the eleventh century, Airlangga kingdom era and used as a place of worship. In fact, there are allegations is the capital of the kingdom of Airlangga. Interestingly, in the middle of the temple there is a kind of building water-collecting (18/05/2013.)
Location of the discovery of the temple is in the middle of the forest Pata'an, Hamlet Motor Village Pataan Sambeng District, about 55 kilo meters from the city center Lamongan. The discovery of the temple sense for local people, because they are located at the site of local paddy or precisely on the hill, away from residential areas.
In tracing the location of the temple, the edge of the temple is made of limestone neatly arranged. Each of limestone ranges thirty centimeters in length and twenty centimeters wide with a thickness ranging from ten to fifteen centimeters.
On the other hand, there are black and hard rock, and there is the typical time of the kingdom of ancient sculptures. Meanwhile, the middle temple there is a kind of circular water current is estimated as swimming worship. The walls are also made of stone are arranged neatly. The building, connected to the building outward flow of water towards the temple. Unfortunately, the building is expected swimming, has collapsed.
According to Supriyo, one of the inventors of the temple, the building was built in the days of empire diperkirkan Airlangga in the eleventh century AD. Because, in the village has been discovered inscription Pataan patakan as a sign of the times Airlangga, who has been stored in the National Museum Trowulan Mojokerto. "Previously there was a discovery of relics of ancient times," said Supriyo, inventor of the temple.
According to Siswanto, hamlet village Pataan, since the first temple of the sacred, so it is very rare that people come to the site. Also in the area around the temple is also estimated that there are ancient settlements, because people often find shards of pottery and ancient jars around the temple.
Local resident and inventor hopes temple, Heritage Preservation Hall team doing excavation or digging, so the structure of the temple can be seen as a whole, as a sign of royal past in the Lamongan district.
Location of the discovery of the temple is in the middle of the forest Pata'an, Hamlet Motor Village Pataan Sambeng District, about 55 kilo meters from the city center Lamongan. The discovery of the temple sense for local people, because they are located at the site of local paddy or precisely on the hill, away from residential areas.
In tracing the location of the temple, the edge of the temple is made of limestone neatly arranged. Each of limestone ranges thirty centimeters in length and twenty centimeters wide with a thickness ranging from ten to fifteen centimeters.
On the other hand, there are black and hard rock, and there is the typical time of the kingdom of ancient sculptures. Meanwhile, the middle temple there is a kind of circular water current is estimated as swimming worship. The walls are also made of stone are arranged neatly. The building, connected to the building outward flow of water towards the temple. Unfortunately, the building is expected swimming, has collapsed.
According to Supriyo, one of the inventors of the temple, the building was built in the days of empire diperkirkan Airlangga in the eleventh century AD. Because, in the village has been discovered inscription Pataan patakan as a sign of the times Airlangga, who has been stored in the National Museum Trowulan Mojokerto. "Previously there was a discovery of relics of ancient times," said Supriyo, inventor of the temple.
According to Siswanto, hamlet village Pataan, since the first temple of the sacred, so it is very rare that people come to the site. Also in the area around the temple is also estimated that there are ancient settlements, because people often find shards of pottery and ancient jars around the temple.
Local resident and inventor hopes temple, Heritage Preservation Hall team doing excavation or digging, so the structure of the temple can be seen as a whole, as a sign of royal past in the Lamongan district.
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