Indonesia has many natural resources. One is, of different colors and shapes of stone beach that can be used for flooring home page, in Bali and in various regions in Indonesia, beach stones are various colors, used as flooring craft, in order to beautify the home garden design.

Beach stones or rocks known as the brush when strung together in one size, it will look beautiful. Floor with a decorative natural stones is taken from the beach, usually created and used to beautify the home page. The art of stone is known by the term Coral brushes, the art of the arrangement of the stones in such a way, to form a beautiful series.

Natural stones are stones from different parts of the coast of Indonesia. Color may vary. Typical of Balinese stone is usually black. While other colors like white, green or yellow or other colors are usually imported from islands such as Kalimantan and Sulawesi opposite.

Like to make a concrete floor, artisans first create a polished concrete molds. Concrete molds can be made in various sizes, both small and large. Once the mold is formed, then sprinkle on top of cement powder. It was only natural stones are arranged above the concrete is still wet.

Within a day, craftsmen could produce 24 pieces of stone floor measures 30 centimeters by 30 centimeters. While the size jumbo, for a long time especially if the motive is complicated.


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