Steam bath or sauna in the house of beauty has become commonplace. In Medan, North Sumatra, there are traditional-style Sauna Karo tribe, named Oukup that the trust is able to cure various diseases. Oukup or steam bath with herbs and spices, has been known since the Karo tribe communities hundreds of years ago, as a therapy for the treatment of various diseases, such as blood sugar disease, rheumatic, gout, allergies and shortness of breath.

In the city of Medan, Oukup spread over a number of locations. Nearly every evening after working hours, Oukup is fulfilled employees who want to bathe Oukup.

At a glance Oukup with Sauna bathing beauty in homes. What sets it apart, just a typical concoction of Karo tribe that used to produce a refreshing scent and healing properties that are not in doubt.

At least, there are 22 types of herbs and spices, such as betel leaves, fragrant, galangal, basil leaves, lime leaves, areca nut concoction, ginger until the banyan leaf. Special leaves of the banyan, Karo tribesmen believed able to eliminate soreness.

Whole spices, then boiled IN container which connect the pipe to the chamber Oukup. Steam from this spice that heats the room temperature, so that each person doing Oukup sweat very much.

For those who have been accustomed, Oukup can be done up to 15 minutes, but for new suggested does not exceed 10 minutes. To be more efficacious, it is recommended to massage, so that the muscles are rigid body can be supple before bathing Oukup.

According Oukup manager, an herb used an ancestral recipe that has been owned by citizens of Karo since their ancestors. Currently Oukup still be excellent for the community and residents Karo field, as a means of therapy of various diseases.


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