If you want to enjoy a different atmosphere of recreation, not hurt you to visit the beach in the district Gending Bentar located about 7 KM east of the city Probolinggo located in East Java and Bali to highway. In addition to the beach tour, visitors will also be pampered by a shoal of fish attraction Shark spotted benign, which swim along the coast.
Simply by paying the ticket Ten Thousand for each person, you will be invited to tour the sea by using a motor boat to see the attraction of herd Sharks spotted at the beach. Sharks spotted the herd is maintained but not in wild sharks are always stopped at coastal resorts Bentar in December to February only. Therefore, now is a good time visiting the beach Bentar
Leopard Shark or Whale Shark Rhincodon Typus manifold, the fish quite docile and playful with humans. Fish that have an average length of up to five meters, and plangton consume meat but do not prey on small fish that is safe for swimmers. Also spotted a beautiful scales, making this fish is very interesting in seeing. Moreover, fish sharks often come to the surface.
If you have courage, you can also ride the Leopard Sharks are fish. For safety, do not worry, the tour manager equips you with a buoy. Sar team also alerted if my rent when things happen that are not in want.
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