Tape cassava is well known everywhere, cheap, delicious, and fun. Tape much like it, because it's sweet and not runny. Moreover, a tape believed to be treating acne.
You can also make the tape himself, because of the way is not difficult. Ingredients are: 2 kg of cassava which is old, a sweet yeast tape (can be purchased at the grocery store cakes / traditional markets). While the necessary tools: a paring knife, plus a lid for steaming pot, stove, winnowing bamboo, banana leaves to taste and bamboo baskets.

Ways of manufacture are: cassava peeled, then washed, cut into pieces or left intact. Then cooked in a pan until half cooked, after which cassava is appointed and arranged / aerated above winnowing bamboo until cold, yeast powder, yeast cassava flour smeared by one by one until combined well, then placed in bamboo baskets that have been covered leaf banana in a meeting / evenly, fill up baskets full TSB, after a basket full cover tightly with banana leaves and add a cloth tied tightly as the top cover of the basket. Store in a cool / dark for three days.


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