Diabetes is The Silent Killer. The disease diabetes is a disease that can kill and secretly can attack anyone. Each person can contract diabetes, both old and young, including you. However, you need to understand is that you do not own.
According to WHO, India ranks 4th in the number of people with Diabetes Mellitus in the world. In 2000 the course, there are around 5.6 million Indonesian people who contract diabetes.
Reading General Diabetes Symptoms
Early symptoms of diabetes are increasing the blood sugar level. Up to above 160-180 mg / dl. Increased blood sugar level that will drive the kidneys remove extra water to dilute a large amount of glucose is lost due to the large number of glucose water is removed through urine.
Effect is seen, people often urinate in the number of lots (poliuri) and people with simple thirst excessive drinking so much (polidiption).
Too much glucose to the outside are often also causes people to feel the hunger so many amazing meals (polifagi).
Symptoms other view is blurred, dizziness, nausea, and less resilience to the body during exercise. Diabetics blood sugar is controlled more or less sensitive to infection.
Diabetes complications is the killer
Diabetes is a disease that cause the body to share other disease complications. This is because the blood sugar increased, so that result in damage to blood vessel, nerve and other internal structures.
Chronic Complications of Diabetes mellitus causes other easy disease:
2x easier to thrombosis brain (thrombosis in the brain) cause a stroke.
2x easier to experience coronary heart disease
7x easier to chronic renal failure
25x easier to blindness
5 x easier to gangrene
The role for propolis lower blood sugar by people with Diabetes is how:
1. Flavonoid in propolis, uterus terpene vinyl supports use of glucose exogenons role of glycogen, and substances to reduce blood sugar.
2. Propolis has bactericidal anti-inflammation effect, the cells can become active, to increase cell regeneration network.
3. Propolis is a natural anti-oxidant is strong, and can significantly increase aktifitus Sod. The use of propolis not only decrease the level of free radical damage to cells, but also avoid treating the various complications of disease.
4. Propolis is very effective to inject insulin or hypoglycemic, can significantly lower blood sugar.
5. Effect of propolis hipolipidemic increase blood circulation and anti oksidan, to protect the blood vessel, complications of diabetes control.
6. Propolis may stimulate the body to regenerate ATP. ATP is the source of the energy body, energy suppliers, increasing physical strength.
Nasps in propolis flavonoid, oxygen metabolism and set the polysaccharides increase body immunity.
7. Propolis is rich in calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphor, iron, chromium and other trace elements to prevent and treat diabetics.
Source: Beijing propolis Research Network
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