Bengawan Solo river flood embankment through the broken-down in Tuban, cause 2 village in Lamongan East Java, most flooding. Evacuate hundreds of residents, in the forest near their home, with very limited logistic supplies.

What you imagine, if the field and pond area in the Gelap and Dateng village Laren district when this changes to the oceans. This condition has lasted 3 days, since the Bengawan Solo river rampage through the broken-down embankment in the area of Tuban.

As a result, 2 floods submerged villages, with an average height of half a meter. In the estimate, the flood will be higher, if the levee has not been perforated in the fix.

With this condition, dateng villagers, forced to flee in a teak forest area is 1 meter pound settlement from them. In fact, some people still build tents for emergency self-reliance.

According to residents, the village since the flood beleaguer them 3 days ago, food aid from local government, is not yet arrived. In fact, people already can not work anymore because the area of their pond and rice field, the flood submerged.

"It has been three days evacuate, but there is no help at all" said Warni, one of the refugee village of origin Dateng. "Isn't food aid, tents that have this, of pure self-help" he added.

In addition, the residents claim to evacuate was-was in the forest because they are afraid interference venomous animals.


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