Propolis has been used to complete the various dental problems for centuries, because the effects of dental treatment using propolis can be seen / evidenced and materials have become a popular clinical research in the West Country and the East Country.

Use of propolis for dentistry in the UK has grown rapidly for several years. Propolis is used to overcome the teeth owing to the work of Philip Wands with multiple dental clinic in Manchester. He was constantly using propolis to dental care issues.

In study 1995, reported on the experience of philip colleagues in the UK in the use of propolis to treat oral ulceration (50 cases), Denture trauma, false teeth, herpetic (hepes) painful oral ulceration and non specific. How to use the treatment with 50% propolis liquid directly on the infected area. Treatment with propolis liquid is able to heal in just 2 days. Inflammation gum (periodontal inflammation) caused by wisdom teeth retraction also treated with propolis.

Propolis liquid is recommended as a mouthwash (gargle) and breath freshner (fresher smelling mouth). He also recommended the propolis soap for hand antiseptic surgery.

In Japan propolis tested on animals in owned by the University of Japan in 1991, found that mice that were given water has propolis reduced level holes in the teeth significantly from the mice not given propolis.

Study of Russia, 1990, recommending propolis for treatment of dental root channel (root canal filling) because of the actual anesthetic and regenerating bone (bone growth and anesthesia). In the same year, Romania's study showed that pasta contains propolis and zinc oxide used in dental pulpa can increase the production of dentin and bone reminsalisasi increase.

In 1989 Dr.Gafar from Romania, using propolis to treat the oral cavity compared with the other ingredients in the product hygien oral. He found that propolis is effective to treat gum inflammation muncous membrane and also to heal wounds effectively.

I conducted research on dogs in 1987 in Yugoslavia, showed that propolis increase blood flow to the pulpa teeth. Further research on the teeth in cattle Czekoslovakia. in 1988 showed that propolis reduce inflammation and stimulate healing processes.

The researchers from Romania, in 1983, produces a product propolis, royal jelly (Gingiprop) used to treat gingivitis satisfactory results. Similar products based on propolis (propolan) production by the researchers in Cuba. In the year 1986 has been used to treat chronic gingivitis, the results are also satisfactory. German researchers in the same year also in the formation of plaqne learn and gingivitis, concluded that propolis can be used to improve the oral Hygiene (cleanliness / higienitas mouth).

In 1980 German researchers Dr.Scmidt, the trial of propolis mouthwash. Results of research showed that people with gingivitis patients (swelling in the gum) and periodontal disease on the other show significant progress after 4 weeks to see a decrease in use with a level of plaque formation and gum inflammation. Moutwash contains one part of the 1:10 liquid propolis of 5 parts water, used on the night and morning.


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